
Spark campers are entering grades 1-4 in September – what a great way to test drive camp! Only 3 nights and 4 days. You will spend most of the time with your cabin experiencing all kinds of activities.

As a Sparks camper, you'll get to spend three nights and four days making new friends, playing games, singing songs and doing activities, including the climbing wall, pony rides, canoeing, archery, and much, much more. We'll find time to Yodel 'n Hum (that means singing silly songs with crazy actions around the campfire) and we'll introduce you to Jug 'n Jog, everyone's favourite Camp Evergreen wide game! Sparks camp is a VERY fun half week ... it's a great introduction to summer camp, without being too much time away from home!

Sparks campers have the opportunity to try out many of our activity areas*, together with their cabinmates! Here's a basic schedule of their days:

  • 8:00AM - Breakfast
  • 9:00AM - Cabin Clean Up
  • 9:30AM - Morning Chapel
  • 10:15AM - Activity Block
  • 11:15AM - Wide Game
  • 12:30PM - Lunch
  • 1:30PM - Down Time/Nap Time
  • 2:00PM - Tuck/Snack Time from Moose Junction General Store
  • 2:45PM - Activity Block
  • 3:45PM - Activity Block
  • 4:45PM - Relax with your Cabin
  • 5:30PM - Supper
  • 6:30PM - Fireside Chapel
  • 7:15PM - Snack/Cabin Devos

Your schedule may not be exactly as shown.

* Please note that Sparks and Explorers campers do not use the Challenge Course or zip line due to age restrictions mandated by our insurance company and the Association for Challenge Course Technology.

In recent years, we have made some changes to our pricing structure and encourage all families to read through those changes here: Camp Price Structure



August 6th, 2024 4:30 PM to August 9th, 2024 3:00 PM
Camp Fees
Camp Fees
Skill Fees