Support Camp

Best week of summer

Camp Evergreen has had a lasting impact on the lives of countless campers, volunteers and staff. By God’s grace, we hope to continue making a difference for many years to come. We rely on the generous support of individuals like you to fulfill our mission and calling. Please consider partnering with us by praying for our ministry, volunteering your time, or making a financial contribution.

How you can

  • Pray • Pray • Pray • Pray • Pray • Pray • Pray

    Prayer is our foundation. Without God’s blessing and the Holy Spirit’s work, our efforts will never have an eternal impact. If you feel passionate about praying for our ministry, please consider joining our Prayer Team.

    Follow What's Happening at Camp

    Stay up-to-date on the story of Camp Evergreen, and see how your prayers help transform lives.

  • Volunteer • Volunteer • Volunteer • Volunteer • Volunteer

    Volunteer at Camp Evergreen

    We won’t blame you if you thought camp was only a summer thing, but Camp Evergreen is more than the average sleepaway camp! Our site is bustling with activity all year round, and we need great staff to help us operate our seasons: Spring (May and June), Summer (July and August), Fall (September to mid-November) and Winter (November to April).

    Volunteer Job Descriptions

    Camp Evergreen welcomes all interested volunteers to fill out an application, and we’ll help find a role suitable for your experience and interests. You can also browse the list of specific volunteer positions below and apply directly for that job.

    • Kitchen Volunteers
      4-5 volunteers needed weekly

      • Kitchen Volunteers will assist the Food Services Team in prepping, cooking, cleaning, and presenting meals from the kitchen.
      • Are scheduled to work two meals per day and are given time to relax and enjoy our amazing camp atmosphere.
      • Are invited to join our daily chapels whether that is in our Activity Centre or at The Fort around a campfire.
      • Are not required to come with any previous experience. We'll show you the ropes!
      • This is a perfect place for a parent who is not quite ready to send their kid to camp alone. It allows the parent to be present without "hovering". Let's be honest - kids gets homesick but sometimes parents get kidsick.
    • Barn Volunteers
      2-3 volunteers needed weekly

      • Barn Volunteers will assist the Barn Staff in leading our equine programs in whatever way their skill level allows.
      • Barn Volunteers typically work from breakfast until supper.
      • Are invited to join our evening chapel at The Fort around a campfire.
      • Are required to have previous experience. Please contact our Office to find out whether or not volunteering at our Horse Barn is the right fit for you: 403-638-4230.
    • Grounds and Maintenance Volunteers
      1-2 volunteers needed weekly

      • Grounds and Maintenance Volunteers will assist the Maintenance Team in the wide variety of projects and tasks that need done week to week during our camp season.
      • Are scheduled to work from breakfast to supper with breaks for Tuck, of course!
      • Are invited to our evening chapel at The Fort around a campfire.
      • Are not required to come with any previous experience but it sure helps! Projects may include but are not limited to lawn mowing, basic construction projects, painting, basic building repair and maintenance, etc... Volunteers with specific training are encouraged to contact our Office so that we can plan for your week with us: 403-638-4230.
      • This is a perfect place for a parent who is not quite ready to send their kid to camp alone. It allows the parent to be present without "hovering". Let's be honest - kids gets homesick but sometimes parents get kidsick.
    • Camp Nurse/Medic
      2 volunteers needed weekly

      • The Camp Nurse/Medic is the primary response to health concerns, injuries, and medication management during their volunteer week. Typically we have two Camp Medics for each week of the summer.
      • Required to have their current RN, LPN, Paramedics, EMT, or Standard First Aid Certificate. We aim to have atleast one RN, LPN, Paramedic, or EMT paired with a FIrst Aider for the week.
      • Works with the Program Team to make sure the First Aid and Nurse's Area is running smoothly and stress free.
      • The Camp Nurse/Medic will manage the camper medications that are signed in for the week and will administer them at the prescribed times.
      • Will work with their Medic "Partner" to create breaks during the day and alternate on-call evenings.
      • This position is a lot less busy that this list makes it sound. :) Seriously - you will give out more bandaids, stickers, and drinks of water for sore (homesick) tummies than you ever imagined.