The Green Spot Blog

    Friday, January 21st, 2022

    Put a W in the Win Column!


    It's so great to be able to look at a new year and feel the anticipation of what it could hold. I know that the last twenty months have been hard. I want to encourage you - God has gone before us, He is constantly working around us, and He is faithful. I have seen a lot of memes or images showing that 2022 has started off poorly. Don't be discouraged! God is going to do something unique and beautiful this year.

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    Monday, January 3rd, 2022

    2021: How did we fare?

    That's the question I get asked the most this time of year. How is the camp doing? There's a lot of curiosity but the question is also wrapped in worry.

    • Is camp going to be okay?
    • Will we actually get to have summer camp this year?


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    Saturday, November 27th, 2021

    GreenSpot Blog

    To view an archive of old blog posts, visit the original Green Spot blog.

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