Summer Camps

Best week of summer

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  • Camp Evergreen
    & Faith

    Is Camp Evergreen a Christian Camp?

    Yes, Camp Evergreen exists to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and to facilitate physical, mental, emotional and spiritual growth in children and youth. Surrounding kids with God’s creation (nature) creates a unique environment where kids are allowed to have fun and be themselves. Our goal is to give your child the best week of their summer!

    Will my child learn about God?

    There are two formal bible study times each day, 15 to 30 minutes long, and aim to relate Bible stories to everyday life. Other activities throughout the day aim to demonstrate God’s work in our lives as well. We place a high regard on equality, fairness and maintaining a positive learning environment for children to grow in Christ.

    We don’t attend church at home…

    Approximately 40% of our campers do not attend church, and we always take this into consideration when planning activities. No camper will be pressured, forced or coerced into making any faith decisions at camp. We try our best to ensure that no one feels that their choices or those of their family are bad; instead we teach what we believe and show the kids that Jesus loves them.

    Who owns Camp Evergreen?

    The camp is owned by the Camp Evergreen Mennonite Brethren Ministries, Sundre society, a non-profit and registered charity. We have our roots in the Alberta Mennonite Brethren Conference and still maintain close ties requiring over half of the board to attend an MB Church.

    What is Camp Evergreen's Statement of Faith?

    You can find our Statement of Faith here.

  • Staff
    & Medical

    What training does the staff receive?

    All of our staff are Christians and 75% of them have attended Camp Evergreen previously, giving them an understanding of Evergreen’s values of being a place to belong. Prior to the arrival of campers, staff complete training where they learn how to lead and teach, ensuring that they understand and work towards the same goals within their cabins.

    What certifications are required of the staff?

    • Standard First Aid
    • Safe Place Policy
    • Criminal Record Check (Vulnerable Sector Search)
    • Child Intervention Check

    Are there medical personnel on site?

    During the summer, we have Designated Medical Personnel on site at all times. You will have the opportunity to meet our DMP during registration. The DMP is trained in First Aid and CPR.

    Are there medical personnel on Out-trips?

    All of our out-trips (Charge, Trails Away, Adventure and Roughin’ it) have appointed First Aiders and have cell/radios for contact with our main lodge which is less than 1 km away.

    What are the responsibilities of the Designated Medical Personnel?

    • Storage and administration of all camper medications
    • Taking care of minor injuries
    • Dealing with safety and health concerns during the week
    • Administering First Aid or CPR
    • Documenting all medical incidents

    How far away is the Hospital?

    The Sundre Hospital is 15 minutes away should there be an emergency.

    Can I send medications with my child?

    Pack medications separately and label them with your child’s full name. You will be asked to give any medications (prescription and otherwise) to the Designated Medical Personnel during check in. It is helpful if you also enclose a photo of your child with their medication.

    My child wets the bed…

    If your child has a history of wetting the bed, please let us know beforehand so that we can be prepared. Only the Program Team and the child’s cabin leader will be informed. In the instance that a camper does wet their bed, the cabin leader will change and clean the bed in a discreet manner so as to not embarrass the child.

    My child has a special diet…

    Please inform us ahead of time if your child has a food allergy or is vegetarian/vegan so that our cook can be prepared to accommodate any food restrictions. Our camp is nut aware and ready to accommodate any nut allergies.

  • Children with
    developmental challenges or delays

    Do you accommodate children with developmental challenges?

    We try to integrate children with mild delays into our camp setting; a child who functions on their own in a school setting will often function well at camp. We do not, however, accept applications for children functioning more than two years behind their peers emotionally or socially.

    Will my child succeed at camp?

    We have had positive experiences with children with ADD, ADHD, FAS/FASD and on the Autism Spectrum, but every child is unique and may not be suited to this environment. Children with ODD may struggle at camp.

    Can my child attend with an Aide?

    If a child has a greater chance of succeeding at camp with the accompaniment of an Aide, we invite the child’s Aide to join us free of charge. Please let us know if an Aide will be attending when you register your child.

  • What is
    camp like?

    Camp Evergreen is an overnight camp. You can expect:

    • Three amazing meals and a snack before bed
    • Two set activity times, where children can participate in their chosen activity (archery, horseback riding, wall climbing, etc.)
    • Free time, with a trip to Moose Junction
    • A Cabin activity
    • Two formal teaching/worship times
    • A camp-wide outdoor game
    • Way too much fun!

    What activities are offered?

    Click here for a full list of our activities.

    Is there a pool?

    There is not a pool at Camp Evergreen, but we like to play in the nearby Fallen Timber Creek. Don’t forget your swimsuit or trunks!

    What kinds of meals and snacks are provided?

    We offer a wide variety of delicious and balanced meals which vary according to age groups. We usually have fruit or veggies included at snacks.

    How many kids to a cabin?

    There are 8 to 10 campers in each cabin, with 2 cabin leaders.

    What is the leader to camper ratio?

    There is usually a 1 leader for every 5 campers in our overnight camps.

    Can my child be in a cabin with their friends?

    Yes, simply write the friend’s name in the cabin mate request section on the registration form.

    What is in your Tuck Shop?

    The Moose Junction General Store offers everything from deodorant to skittles.

    • Stuff you forgot – deodorant, toothpaste, ear plugs
    • Stuff you can’t resist – chocolate bars (nut free) and candy
    • Stuff to take home - Souvenirs, clothing and swag
  • What can/
    can’t I Bring

    What should I bring to camp?

    We knew you would ask that, so we made a list of all the things you need to remember. View List

    Is there internet access at camp?

    No, we encourage children to spend time with each other and to gain new experiences through the activities offered at camp.

    Can I bring my iPod, cellphone or other electronics?

    No, please leave these at home. Electronics can distract and take away from the camp experience.

    Can I bring my pet?

    No, unfortunately we cannot accommodate pets.

    Are alcohol and drugs allowed?

    No, alcohol and drugs are prohibited.

  • Homesickness
    & parent visits

    Can my child phone me during camp?

    Parents are welcome to phone the main office at any time to see how their child is doing. Likewise, children are welcome to phone home at any time. However, we discourage this as it can increase their homesickness, especially if calling at bed time. Parents can also email their kids while they’re at camp, including photos, colouring pages, etc. –

    Can parents visit during the week?

    No, for two reasons: 1 - We have found that midweek visits can actually increase homesickness; 2 - It can seem unfair for children whose parents cannot visit due to work or other family situations.

    Can I volunteer while my child is at camp?

    Yes, we always welcome volunteers. However, having parents at camp can sometimes be distracting for the kids.

  • Payment
    & Refunds

    What payment methods are accepted?

    • Visa
    • MasterCard
    • Cash
    • Cheque - Please make cheques payable to “Camp Evergreen”, Specify camper’s name in the notes section
    • eTransfer

    Do you provide subsidies for families in need?

    We believe every child and youth should be able to have the life-changing experience of camp. We also know that camp is a significant investment for families and there may be financial barriers to affording camp fees. That's why we offer three ways to make camp more affordable:

    1. Tiered pricing
    2. A payment plan, and
    3. Our financial aid program called Campership Aid

    Campership Aid is built on the belief that no camper should be refused access due to financial circumstances, and we do our very best, with the support of generous donors, to honour each request. 

    • In addition to our tiered pricing and through our Campership Aid program, we offer payment plans to make payments more accessible. 
    • To sign up for our Campership Aid program, simply register your child and select that you wish to receive Campership Aid. We will email you the necessary forms to complete upon submission of your registration.
    • To ensure that the most families benefit from our Campership Aid program, a child may receive aid for one camp/summer. 

    What happens if I need to cancel?

    • Over 30 days before your camp starts - Full refund, minus $75 administration fee
    • Under 30 days before your camp starts - A physician’s note is required to receive a full refund, minus $75 administration fee During Camp
    • During Camp - If the camper or parents decide for the camper go home due to homesickness or any other reason, there is no refund or credit. - If the camper is asked by Camp Evergreen to go home due to illness or if an injury dictates that the camper should leave, a credit will be given for next summer.
  • Drop-off
    & pick-up

    Drop off times:

    • Explorers & Sparks - Check In begins at 4:30 PM on Tuesday
    • All other camps - Check In begins at 4:30 PM Sunday afternoon on the first day of each camp. Supper will be served at 5:30PM.

    Pick up times:

    • Base Camps - There will be a short closing program at 3 PM Friday afternoon on the last day of each camp.
    • Out Trips - There will be a designated meeting place for 3 PM pickup.

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