Ignite 1

Ignite 1 campers are entering grades 7-9 in September – Your week will be on fire! Pro skills, horsemanship, night games, wide games and more games.

Campers, you'll have the chance to run up the wall, travel by horse, paddle the pond and play games till the cows come home. You can zip down the zip line, shoot arrows at archery or begin the long road to becoming the most epic jug 'n jog player of all time. You'll also have the chance to master your skills at the activity of your choice. Evening chapel will feature a speaker we've brought in just for you, amazing music led by our chapel band, and stories from our cabin leaders. Be prepared for theme meals, an epic late night game ... and many more opportunities to describe things as "epic".

Here is a standard schedule for an Ignite Camp:

  • 8:00AM - Breakfast
  • 9:00AM - Cabin Clean Up
  • 9:30AM - Morning Chapel
  • 10:45AM - Activity/Wide Game
  • 12:30PM - Lunch
  • 1:30PM - Down Time/Nap Time
  • 2:00PM - Tuck/Snack Time from Moose Junction General Store
  • 2:45PM - Semi-Pro/Pro Skill
  • 4:00PM - Adventure Time with your Cabin
  • 5:30PM - Supper
  • 6:30PM - Wide Game
  • 7:30PM - Fireside Chapel
  • 9:00PM - Snack/Cabin Devos/Evening Programming


Over the last two years, we have made some changes to our pricing structure and encourage all families to read through those changes here: Camp Price Structure

Pro Skills and Semi-Pro Skills

Ignite campers have the choice between doing a Pro Skill for the whole week or two Semi-Pro Skills. If two Semi-Pro Blocks are chosen, the camper will do the first Semi-Pro block for Monday and Tuesday and their second Semi-Pro choice on Wednesday and Thursday. Please see a description of all Pro and Semi-Pro Skills below. Please note that some of the Pro and Semi-Pro Skills have an additional cost.

  • Pro Skill Options for Ignite: Horsemanship, Paintball & Mountain Biking.

  • Semi-Pro Skill Options for Ignite: Marksmanship, Climbing, Survival Skills, High Ropes, Canoeing, Sports, Artrageous & Tabletop Adventures.

Artrageous - Artrageous is more than just Handcrafts. This skill is for the artist, creator, and imaginest. Artrageous may include painting on canvas, building a mini log cabin, paper machete birds, and possibly even tye-dye. Get ready for some ARTrageously amazing creations! Our artrageous creations vary from year to year.

High Ropes - Our high and low challenge courses offer a variety of elements including an awesome zipline. Participants will learn about safety equipment as weel as communication and teamwork as they help each other through exciting games and obstacles.

Canoeing - Learn how to control and steer a canoe around the bends of our pond using different strokes, how to switch positions, and avoid getting tipped.

Climbing - Campers will challenge themselves on our vertical wall and bouldering facilities using techniques taught by our experienced and certified staff. Participants will learn about the equipment that keeps them safe and how to use it correctly.

Horsemanship (Pro Skill only) - Campers will be partnered with one of our friendly horses for the week where they will learn riding techniques and how to look after these amazing animals. There is an additional charge for this skill.

Marksmanship - Participants will learn how to shoot at a variety of targets, challenging themselves by practicing with the opposite hand, understanding how to have precise aim, and maintain equipment.

Mountain Biking (Pro Skill only) - One of our Newest Activities!! Participants will develop technical skills of riding on paths, balance, and becoming "one" with their bike on our newly developed trails & Pump Track. Bring your own bike or rent one from camp at an additional cost.

Sports - Learn strategy and sportsmanship as you run, jump, shoot, dunk, block, pass, and score. Campers will play a variety of sports like soccer, volleyball, basketball, and the Evergreen classics like Jug 'n' Jog and Willsonball.

Survival Skills  - Survivor has NOTHING on our Survival Skill campers.  Learn how to start fires, build shelters, and how to keep safe in the great outdoors. We'll teach campers about their surroundings, how to use a compass, and what they need to survive if lost in the wilderness.

Table Top Adventures - Let your imagination run wild in a galxy far far away or take a journey through midlle earth in a wonderfully narrated Table top adventure. Board Games and RPG's are the main focus in our table top adventures skill. Learn teamwork and problem solving skills in a fun & exciting environment!

Paintball - Each afternoon, you will hike across to our Outfitters Site (at Camp Evergreen) and get geared up for some fun paintball games with our staff each afternoon. There is an additional charge for this Pro Skill.


July 14th, 2024 4:30 PM to July 19th, 2024 3:00 PM
Camp Fees
Camp Fees
Skill Fees