Trails Away 1 (Girls Only)

Trails Away is for female campers entering grades 7-9 in September. Pick up your horse at the beginning of the week and ride until the sun sets. You will be camping on Camp Evergreen property at our Teepee Site, bareback riding, learning to saddle, groom and otherwise take care of your horse. Riding or horsemanship references are required for a complete application.


Get ready to cross the creek, sleep in an Teepee, and enjoy life in the great outdoors as you spend the week as a cowgirl!

As a camper on Trails Away, you'll be responsible for your own horse for the full week. This means you will learn how to brush and saddle your horse. You will care for your horse and have the opportunity to learn new things that our standard Horsemanship Programs don't cover. Of course, you will get to experience horseback riding in a variety of ways: from riding lessons in the morning, trail rides in the afternoons, and loads of fun!

Riding horses isn't the only thing that you will get to do on Trails Away. You also get to build sweet friendships with the other campers, play fun games, participate in Bible-based fireside chapels, and maybe even participate in other activities around the main camp.

What did last year's Trails Away campers have to say about the program?

"A place to get to know God, yourself, and horses."
"A place to meet new people, new experiences, and new circumstances, where you can get to know God with the support of your new friends, let yourself feel free while riding, and laugh and enjoy the simple things in life. It's like a sanctuary of sorts made out of nature itself :)"
"A place to be with good people, to get to know them and to be able to explore new places while riding a horse, also a place where you can learn about God and enjoy the wonders and sights of nature."
"Camp to me was an overall great experience. I had the opportunity to spend a week away from the busy city and spend that time just enjoying the fresh air and the exhilarating freedom that a horse seems to give you. I learned a lot from Trails Away. For instance, I never knew how deeply affecting and how firmly intertwined horses are in people's lives. They really help people and, truly, they are some very smart animals! Trails Away was a blast. The leaders, as always, were so kind and helpful even when things were difficult! They know so much about what they do and that probably comes from the plain passion that they have for what they do. The campers as well were so much fun to be around. We all had different stories to share and different talents to express. Overall, camp to me was amazing. I learned so much about horses and I got to do what I love. There was always someone to talk to and there was always something to do. I learned more than I expected from Trails Away; it was simply awesome."

Since Trails Away is a great outdoors kind of camp, you'll be sleeping in a teepee for the week and enjoying meals prepared over a campfire. The Trails Away site is located on Camp Evergreen property, just down the creek trail from the main site. The campsite is rustic, without running water (we provide a Porta-Potty). Campers will help out with chores around the campsite to keep it tidy and functioning well.

Do remember that safety always comes first and weather is something that plays a huge role in life with horses. Alberta weather can be really great for riding or it can put a damper on things. Although riding may weather-dependent, the Trails Away Staff will deliver a hands-on, horse-focused week.

Space is limited, please register soon!

In recent years, we have made some changes to our pricing structure and encourage all families to read through those changes here: Camp Price Structure



July 2nd, 2024 4:30 PM to July 5th, 2024 3:00 PM
Camp Fees
Camp Fees
Skill Fees