Pit Crew 3

Our Pit Crew works hard to keep camp running: dishes, cleaning facilities, and work projects make up half of the day. The other half is filled with games, activities, and discipleship sessions where you'll learn what servant-like leadership looks like. If you're looking to become Camp Evergreen staff someday, this is where you'll start.

If you think of the Indy 500, every race car has a Pit Crew. It's the Pit Crew's job to keep their race car running as well as it can. At camp, we have a Pit CREW too. Our Pit Crew works hard to keep camp running. It isn't always glamorous but it's needed!

Our Pit Crew program is an intense two-week work experience program that focuses on personal growth and exploring what it takes to run camp from behind the scenes. Pit Crew campers must be entering grades 9 or 10 and have a passion to serve. Campers will work in teams as they rotate through the Dish Pit, Kitchen, and Facility Cleaning. Duties will vary each week, but you can count on an average of 6 hours of work per day. The remainder of the day will be spent with your “Crew” doing activities, discipleship sessions, and having tons of fun.

Discipleship sessions will focus on growing in your personal relationship with Jesus Christ and embracing a passion to serve God and serve others. Participants will discover their heart for service, have lots of practice working on a team and, of course, have lots of fun!

We work really hard to make sure that the work part doesn't feel like work. There will be plenty of horsing around...even if the horses vote to stay at the barn.


Pit Crew members are expected to commit for two weeks and will have the weekend off at home*. 

Please register for our Pit Crew Program through our Online Registration. The registration process also includes questions that the camper will be required to answer. Here are the questions the campers will be asked on the registration form:

  • Tell us about your faith story.
  • In your own words, please answer the following questions:
  • Who is Jesus?
  • Who is God?
  • Who is the Holy Spirit?
  • What is the Bible?
  • What do you understand a born again Christian to be?
  • What do you think are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • What are some of your interests? Hobbies?
  • Is there anything else that you feel we should know about you?
  • Why do you want to be on Pit Crew? What do you hope to get out of the experience? (Be specific.)

These questions allow us to get to know our Pit CREW Members more than our standard registration form allows.

*Pit Crew Members are expected, along with all staff, to leave site for the weekend. If you live further than 150km from Camp Evergreen and pick up/drop off will be a challenge, please contact the office.

In recent years, we have made some changes to our pricing structure and encourage all families to read through those changes here: Camp Price Structure



July 28th, 2024 4:30 PM to August 9th, 2024 3:00 PM
Camp Fees
Camp Fees
Skill Fees