Join the Evergreen

Best week of summer

If you dream about spending your summer outdoors, playing crazy games, staying up late and sharing your faith with kids, then a role at Camp Evergreen might be for you! Our team is made up of passionate, fun-loving people dedicated to serving God and sharing the Gospel. If you want to work with us in our mission to see individual lives transformed by the power of Jesus, take a look through our staff and volunteer positions.

Select a

  • Seasonal Staff • Seasonal Staff • Seasonal Staff • Seasonal Staff

    At camp for every season

    Is Camp Really For Me?

    We hear it all the time that some people just don't think they're "camp people." The truth is there's no fixed mould for amazing camp staff – but they do need to love God and love people. We are looking for people with diverse interests and personalities. Sure, we play a lot of outdoor games and do awesome activities like horseback riding, ziplining and wall climbing, but that’s only one side of what we do. We’ve got campers that love to draw, create, read books, or just hang out. We need staff that can make connections with our campers by sharing in their interests, whether that is sitting by the creek and having solid conversations, or going wild in an epic paintball match. Most of all, we’re looking for people dedicated to serving God and sharing His Gospel with our campers so that together we can see individual lives transformed by the power of Jesus.

    Fall & Winter

    (Septmeber – Novemeber, November – April)

    During the Fall and Winter seasons, Camp Evergreen hires up to 20 staff members. These months are busy with Guest Groups, weekend rentals, band camps and our own retreats. Staff will host Guest Groups, lead activities, help in the kitchen and assist with facility maintenance and custodial jobs. There are also opportunities to visit churches and promote Camp Evergreen to youth, children, and parents.

    Apply for a fall or winter staff position

    Staff Application

    Spring & Summer

    (May – August)

    Camp Evergreen hires up to 50 staff seasonal staff for the camp season running from May to August. The months of May and June are busy with planning for the summer season and hosting Guest Groups.

    We see our Guest Group program as an important ministry opportunity — 65% of our campers first come to Camp Evergreen as part of a rental group. That’s why we need dynamic staff with a passion for teaching and mentoring kids. Your roles may include instructing canoeing and wall climbing, leading nature studies and trail rides, and the glamourous jobs of washing dishes and building fences.

    Apply for a spring & summer position

    Staff Application


    (July & August)

    This is where the magic of summer camp unfolds – horseback riding, ridiculous games and sharing the Gospel with campers! There are numerous staff positions available for the months of July and August ensuring that our summer programs operate smoothly. We’re excited to hear what you’re passionate about!

    Apply for a summer staff position

    Staff Application

    Spring & Summer Job Descriptions

    Camp Evergreen is a place to connect, explore, and grow. We exist to see lives transformed by the power of Jesus. The primary role of the staff during Spring and Summer is to help our campers and guests experience community, grow personally and spiritually in their faith, and explore creation. We actively invest in the well-being of our staff, campers, and guests to see them grow personally and spiritually through their experiences at Camp Evergreen.

    We have three different categories of staffing. These categories vary in their day-to-day duties and responsibilities. It is important to understand that all staff are expected to help where needed, no job description is exhaustive. 

    MINISTRY POSITIONS: These positions primarily are focused on leading campers in our Base Camp, Out-trip, and Developing Leader programs. They are expected to be ready to share the Gospel and have a solid understanding of Christian theology. Out of love and respect for all our staff, we would never want to place a staff member in a position where they are expected to say or teach something they may not believe or support. As a Christ-centred camp, we require all positions listed as a “ministry position” be filled by a staff person who is in general agreement with our Statement of Faith

    ACTIVITY AND MEDIA POSITIONS: These positions primarily focus on leading activities and creating video/photography content for Camp Evergreen. Activity Leaders, including Equine (Barn) Staff, are expected to invest in our guest and camper’s experience with the goal of having their time at camp be like no other. Activity Leaders are expected to show warmth and care that is consistent with the love that Christ has modelled for us. Activity and Media positions are not required to be in agreement with our Statement of Faith

    FOOD SERVICE AND FACILITY POSITIONS: These positions primarily focus on the grounds, maintenance, and food service areas of camp. Each position, though not considered a frontline position, are expected to place guests before tasks, being welcoming and hospitable to all who come to our site. These positions should be filled by people who are passionate about working with their hands and serving others through their gifts, as Christ showed us in how He lived. Food Service and Facility Positions are not required to be in agreement with our Statement of Faith

    The primary role of all staff at Camp Evergreen is to share the Gospel with our campers in a fun, safe atmosphere. We love our staff and want to see them grow in their faith and in their leadership skills.

    We have both paid and volunteer positions.  Both paid and volunteer staff have the opportunity to raise support through our On-Mission Program. Please contact us for information on our On-Mission Program.

    Our Statement Of Faith

    Leadership Team

    • Fun & Games Director

      Games & Fun (1 position, preferably 20+ years)
      4-month position
      • Assists in planning, organizing, coordinating and leading the summer program for Base Camps in July and August.
      • Primary responsibilities during July and August are designing and implementing super fun and crazy themes and games for summer programs. Works under the leadership of the Program Team in all areas of program design and delivery.
      • Helps to facilitate the Outdoor Education programs in May and June by either working with the staff or facilitating the program with our Guests.
      • Needs to be enthusiastic and have a positive attitude. This person needs to be a team player and requires strong creative and “outside the box” thinking skills.
      • This position is Ministry position.
    • Head Cabin Leader (Formerly Head Counselor)

      Primary Resource to Cabin Leaders (2 positions, preferably 20+ years)
      4-month position
      • Works with cabin leading staff as a support and peer leader. The Head Cabin Leaders are the "go-to" person for Cabin staff when working through challenging cabin and camper situations (homesickness, cabin unity, bullying). Will be required to call parents to problem solve when challenges with campers arise.  
      • Head Cabin leaders will work with the Program Team to organize and facilitate Small Groups and Prayer Teams May to August.
      • Assists in Summer Staff Training, mentors and leads Cabin Leaders, and when required, is involved in basic staff discipline.  
      • This position requires a flexible, dynamic leader who is passionate about discipleship, mentoring, resolving conflict, and developing leaders.
      • Head Cabin Leaders are on of the up-front faces that kids see on a daily basis, as such this person must be willing to speak in front of large groups.  
      • This position is Ministry position.
    • Jr. Staff Director

      Developing Leaders Program (2 positions, 1 male & 1 female, preferably 20+ years)
      2 or 4-month position
      • Jr. Staff Directors lead our Jr. Staff Programs for campers going into grade 11 and 12. Our Jr. Staff Program is intended to help youth strengthen their faith, learn new skills and get trained in how to be a staff member at Camp!  
      • Responsible for planning & leading spiritual discipleship sessions, guiding personal growth of campers, and teaching them the everyday skills of camp staff member. Jr. Staff Directors will work with other staff leaders to help with Jr. Staff skill development.
      • This position requires a flexible, dynamic and creative self-starter who has a passion for teaching, discipleship, and developing leaders.
      • This position is Ministry position.
    • Pit Crew Director

      Developing Leader Programs, (3 positions, male & female, preferably 20+ years)
      2 or 4-month positions
      • This director, working with two others, will lead our Pit Crew Program. There are four 2-week programs throughout the summer. Our Pit Crew Program is one of the first steps for campers entering grades 9 and 10 who want to become Camp Evergreen staff. Pit Crew helps camp function by serving in the Dish Pit and on Custodial Duties while also attending Spiritual Discipleship sessions and enjoying camp activities and games.
      • Pit Crew Directors are responsible for teaching discipleship sessions, encouraging spiritual growth in their campers, and leading by example as they work alongside and teach skills in the Dish Pit and custodial tasks.
      • Requires an enthusiastic, upbeat, and encouraging personality to walk alongside youth in what can be seen as the "less than desirable parts of camp". These staff members also need a deep passion for teaching, mentoring, and camp.  
      • This position is Ministry position.
    • Media Director

      1 position. preferably 20+ years
      4-month position
      • Responsible for leading the team that will produce camps weekly montage videos and other media projects. These videos will include footage of every camper and every cabin for each week. The "Weekly" will be posted on Evergreen's Youtube channel once finished.
      • Responsible for compiling the eight "Weekly" videos at the end of the summer into one single summer promo video.
      • This person will also be responsible for coordinating and taking the cabin photos each week.  
      • Media Director will take leadership of the Media Team or any staff that is assigned to Media for the week. This involves teaching skills, organizing team members and making sure all media responsibilities are taken care of.
      • Responsible for the care and maintainence of the Media equipment.
      • This positions requires a self-driven personality who is good at time management and is capable of meeting deadlines on a daily and weekly basis. Persons interested in this position should be creative, able to work independently and on a team.
      • This is an Activity and Media Position.
    • Out-trips Director

      1 position, preferably 20+years
      4-month position
      • This staff member will be the primary resource and support person for all Out-trip teams. The Out-trips Director is the "go-to" person for Out-trip staff when working through challenging groups and camper situations (homesickness, group unity, bullying). May be required to call parents to problem solve when challenges with campers arise.
      • Will organize and create a structure for Out-trip teams to pack and prepare for their trips (two each week). The OT Director will be present for the packing and pre-trip preparations on Check In Day.
      • May be required to assist in leading an Out-trip.
      • When not leading an Out-trip, the OT Director will make visits to each site to spend time with the kids, give the OT Teams a respite block, be a "Guest Speaker", run water, food and tuck daily, and to evaluate the atmosphere of the camps. This director is responsible to make sure that camper on our Out-trips are safe, healthy, having fun, and eating delicious campsite-prepared food.
      • This position requires a well organized, self-directed person who is able to work independently. The OT Director should be able to speak to groups and problem solve with staff and campers, alike.
      • This position is Ministry position.
    • Assistant Wrangler

      Barn Staff (1 position, preferably 20+ years)
      4-month position
      • This staff member assists the Head Wrangler in most aspects of horse herd management and Equine Programming at Camp Evergreen.
      • Specific areas of involvment include leading trail rides and Equine Care blocks, teaching the Horsemanship Pro Skill and Semi-Pro Skill in Summer, giving leadership to Barn Staff and Wrangler Up Campers, and managing the basic health of the horse herd and maintenance of the Barn area.
      • The Assistant Wrangler gives leadership to the Barn Staff in the absence of the Head Wrangler.
      • May be required to lead or assist in leading one or both of the Wrangler Up Programs or lead the Trails Away Team.
      • This person should be a self-starter with time management skills and strong leadership abilities. They should have a passion for teaching, discipling younger staff and Developing Leaders, and is required to have strong riding skills. A riding interview may be required when applying.
      • This is considered a ministry position.
    • Worship Leader

      Plan, Organize & Lead Chapels (1 position, preferably 20+ years)
      4-Month Position
      • The Worship Leader works under the Program Team and is the primary person responsible for the implementation of our two chapel times each day. Leading Chapel includes planning worship songs, organizing worship teams and practice times, communicating with the speaker about specific needs as well as being the person up front on the mic for chapel.
      • Secondary responsibilities of the Worship Leader include leading activities when needed and assisting head cabin leaders in providing care to staff and campers.
      • This person should be musically inclined and have a passion for leading others in worship.
      • This person should be a team player who is good at leading people, organizing and creating atmosphere.
      • This is a Ministry position.

    Staff Team

    • Assistant Maintenance

      1 position, 18+ Years
      4-month position
      • This staff member assists the Site Manager in their responsibilities. This may include, but is not limited to, fencing, building repair, cutting grass, basic construction projects, custodial duties, landscaping, infrastructure repair and maintenance.
      • This staff member may be responsible for leading other staff and developing leader campers in work projects.
      • The Assistant Maintenance will coordinate with the volunteer maintenance and grounds crews for each week of the summer.
      • This is a Food Service and Facility position.
    • Assistant Cook

      2 positions, preferably 20+ years
      2 or 4-month positions
      • This staff member assists the Food Services Manager in all aspects of food preparation and production in the kitchen. This may include, but is not limited to, food preparation, leading and organizating staff assigned to the kitchen and Kitchen Volunteers, food safety, and meal organization.
      • Will be required to manage the kitchen in the Food Service Manager's absence.
      • Will provide assistance in preparing and packing the Out-trips in collaboration with the Out-trips Director.
      • This position is Food Service and Facility position.
    • Cabin Leader

      14 female positions & 12 male positions, 16+ years
      2 or 4 month positions.
      •  Cabin Leaders are responsible for a cabin for up to 8 weeks of the summer. Cabins typically have 10 campers and two Cabin Leaders (At minimum one leader will be 18+). Cabin Leaders are responsible for the total care of their campers while they are at camp.
      • Expected to create a unified, fun, exciting, and Christ-centered atmosphere in their cabin. It is their goal to make their campers' "camp dreams come true".
      • These staff members need to be willing and prepared to work with campers from a wide demographic, various learning abilities, and personalities. Cabin Leaders will be supported by the Head Cabin Leaders and Program Team.
      • Cabin Leaders need to be willing and ready to share the Gospel at all times and lead devotions with their cabin after chapel.  
      • Cabin Leaders are expected to attend the Training Week where they will learn how to lead activities and obtain skills to lead well in their cabins over the summer. Cabin Leaders need to be creative, energetic, compassionate, and positive. They need to be passionate about kids, having fun, and sharing Jesus.
      • Required to have Standard First Aid with Level C CPR.
      • This is a Ministry position.
    • Out-trips Staff

      11 positions, 16+ years
      2 or 4-months
      • Will help to lead our Out-trip programs week to week on a team of at least three people. These programs may include Roughin' It, Adventure Camp, Wilds,  Charge (boys only), and Trails Away (girls only). These staff do not need extensive horse, climbing, or paintball skills - Charge and Trails Away will have specifically trained staff for those areas. Out-Trips Staff are the "Cabin Leaders" for our Out-trip Programs and are therefore responsible to help make their campers' "camp dreams come true".
      • Out-trip staff, working in collaboration with the Out-trips Director, will create and organize a fun, relaxed, yet structured Out-trip program for each respective camp. They will work closely with the Out-trips Director in food preparation and packing, activity rotation, and chapel presentations.
      • Responsible for the spiritual teaching and Gospel presentation during the week.
      • Will coordinate with the Out-Trip Director on any camper challenges that arise during the week.
      • This staff person must be well organized, strong leadership abilities, and are able to create a fun and safe environment for their campers.
      • This is a Ministry position.
    • Activity Staff

      17 positions - 16+ years
      2 or 4-month positions
      • Our Activities Team (A-Team) lead our activities and games throughout the spring and summer. Activities like archery, climbing wall, canoeing, crafts, field games, sports, survival skills, Mad Science, and more.  
      • Expected to do more than just "run" our activities and games for the cabins. The A-Team is considered our Cabin Leaders outside of the cabins. They are tasked with making our activities, Skills, and games a time when our campers not only get to learn new skills but have more opportunities to have spiritual conversations and make connections with more staff. They help share the responsibility of making "camp dreams come true" and creating an atmostphere where campers can meet Jesus.
      •  A-Team members are also may be asked to provide support to cabins who are struggling with unity or other behavioural challenges.
      • May be required to help lead a cabin or go on an Out-trip during the summer.
      • Will assist the Activities Director and the Fun & Games Director in leading games and evening programming.  
      • Required to have Standard First Aid with Level C CPR.
      • This is a Activity and Media position.
    • Barn Staff

      6 positions, 16+ years (paid and volunteer positions available)
      2 or 4-month positions
      • Barn staff will assist the Head and Assistant Wrangler in implementing our Equine programs through our different seasons. This may include but is not limited to Guest Group trail rides. Horsemanship skill, cabin trail rides, Trails Away, and Wrangler up.
      • Responsible for daily, weekly, and monthly chores and trainging/exercising horses as set forward by the Head Wrangler.  
      • May be required to go on Trails Away or take part in Wrangler Up as a leader.
      • Required to have Standard First Aid with Level C CPR.  
      • This is an Activity and Media position
    • Kitchen Staff

      3 positions, 16+ years (paid and volunteer positions available)
      2 or 4-month positions
      • Kitchen Staff will assist the Food Services Manager and Assistant Cook in prepping, cooking, cleaning, and presenting meals from the kitchen.
      • This staff member may also be required to give help and leadership to the Pit Crew and Intern Work Shifts.
      • May be required to assist in Out-trip food preparation.
      • This is a Food Service and Facility position
    • Audio/Visual Staff

      2 positions, 16+ years (paid and volunteer positions available)
      2 or 4-month positions
      • A member of the team that will produce the weekly montage videos and other media projects. These videos will include footage of every camper and every cabin for each week. The "Weekly"  will be posted on Evergreen's Youtube channel once finished.
      • The main task of an AV Staff member is to film campers at activities and games and then edit the footage into usable videos.
      • Responsible for the care and maintenance of the Media equipment.
      • This position requires a self-driven personality who is good at time management and is capable of meeting deadlines on a daily and weekly basis. Persons interested in this position should be creative, able to work independently and on a team.
      • This is an Activity and Media position
    • Maintenance Staff

      1 paid position, Volunteer positions available
      2 or 4 month position
      • This staff member assists the Site Manager in their responsibilities. This may include, but is not limited to, fencing, building repair, cutting grass, basic construction projects, custodial duties, landscaping, infrastructure repair and maintenance.
      • Maintenance staff will work alongside the Maintenance assistant and will help coordinate and lead maintenance volunteers.
      • This is a Food Service and Facilities position.
  • Developing Leaders • Developing Leaders • Developing Leaders

    Work, Play & Grow

    Behind the scenes at Evergreen

    The Developing Leaders programs are offered to campers in grades 9 - 12 who dream of one day becoming staff at Camp Evergreen. Campers will be based on our main site which houses our new cabins, kitchen and dining hall, washroom facilities and indoor/outdoor activity facilities.

    What will I get to do in a Developing Leaders program?

    Developing Leaders campers may even be eligible for high school credit! We offer three Developing Leaders programs for different age groups.

    • Pit Crew

      Available to campers in going into grades 9 & 10
      2 week program
      • This two week, junior staff training program gives a behind-the-scenes experience of Camp Evergreen along with all the fun and activities campers love and expect.
      • Pit Crew spends part of each day serving in the nitty-gritty areas that are essential to making summer camp run – doing dishes, cleaning bathrooms, vacuuming the dining hall and helping to run games with the staff.
      • The other part of the day is filled with activities, discipleship training and fun with your Crew.
    • Wrangler Up

      Available for campers in grades 8-12
      1 or 2 week program
      • This camp is for horse enthusiasts and designed to train up our future Evergreen Wranglers.
      • Refine your riding, saddling and cleaning skills while forming friendships which last a lifetime.
    • Jr. Staff Program

      Available to students going into grades 11 & 12
      2 weeks of training + 2 to 5 weeks of ministry
      • This immersive training program is designed to fuel our campers’ passions, teach them and disciple them as they experience what it's like to be a Camp Evergreen staff. The program begins with two weeks of dedicated training and discipleship. Following those weeks, Jr. Staff can choose up to five additional weeks of the summer that they would like to serve for.
      • Jr. Staff will work alongside our staff as they train in focus areas like cabin leading, audio/visual, activities, the horse barn or kitchen.
      • Dedicated Jr. Staff Directors will teach and walk alongside our Jr. Staff as they learn the ropes throughout the summer. It's not all work though, there will be plenty of time as part of the Jr. Staff community.

    Where will I sleep and what’s for dinner?

    What is the spiritual atmosphere like?

    What safety measures are in place during summer camp?

    At Camp Evergreen we take safety seriously and ensure the following precautions are in place during all of our summer camps:

    • Designated Medical Personnel (DMP) are on site at all times for Summer Camps. DMPs are at minimum trained in CPR and First Aid, store and administer all medications (prescription or otherwise) and document all medical incidents.
    • Staff have current Standard First Aid certificates and have gone through Plan to Protect training.
    • Staff and volunteers have current Criminal Record Checks with Vulnerable Sector Searches on file.
    • Challenge Course and Climbing Wall staff receive training from an Association of Challenge Course Technology vendor.

    We understand sending your child to a sleepaway camp is a big deal so we have resources for parents:

    Camp Policies
    Parent Handbook
  • Volunteer • Volunteer • Volunteer • Volunteer • Volunteer

    Volunteer at Camp Evergreen

    We won’t blame you if you thought camp was only a summer thing, but Camp Evergreen is more than the average sleepaway camp! Our site is bustling with activity all year round, and we need great staff to help us operate our seasons: Spring (May and June), Summer (July and August), Fall (September to mid-November) and Winter (November to April).

    Volunteer Job Descriptions

    Camp Evergreen welcomes all interested volunteers to fill out an application, and we’ll help find a role suitable for your experience and interests. You can also browse the list of specific volunteer positions below and apply directly for that job.

    • Kitchen Volunteers
      4-5 volunteers needed weekly

      • Kitchen Volunteers will assist the Food Services Team in prepping, cooking, cleaning, and presenting meals from the kitchen.
      • Are scheduled to work two meals per day and are given time to relax and enjoy our amazing camp atmosphere.
      • Are invited to join our daily chapels whether that is in our Activity Centre or at The Fort around a campfire.
      • Are not required to come with any previous experience. We'll show you the ropes!
      • This is a perfect place for a parent who is not quite ready to send their kid to camp alone. It allows the parent to be present without "hovering". Let's be honest - kids gets homesick but sometimes parents get kidsick.
    • Barn Volunteers
      2-3 volunteers needed weekly

      • Barn Volunteers will assist the Barn Staff in leading our equine programs in whatever way their skill level allows.
      • Barn Volunteers typically work from breakfast until supper.
      • Are invited to join our evening chapel at The Fort around a campfire.
      • Are required to have previous experience. Please contact our Office to find out whether or not volunteering at our Horse Barn is the right fit for you: 403-638-4230.
    • Grounds and Maintenance Volunteers
      1-2 volunteers needed weekly

      • Grounds and Maintenance Volunteers will assist the Maintenance Team in the wide variety of projects and tasks that need done week to week during our camp season.
      • Are scheduled to work from breakfast to supper with breaks for Tuck, of course!
      • Are invited to our evening chapel at The Fort around a campfire.
      • Are not required to come with any previous experience but it sure helps! Projects may include but are not limited to lawn mowing, basic construction projects, painting, basic building repair and maintenance, etc... Volunteers with specific training are encouraged to contact our Office so that we can plan for your week with us: 403-638-4230.
      • This is a perfect place for a parent who is not quite ready to send their kid to camp alone. It allows the parent to be present without "hovering". Let's be honest - kids gets homesick but sometimes parents get kidsick.
    • Camp Nurse/Medic
      2 volunteers needed weekly

      • The Camp Nurse/Medic is the primary response to health concerns, injuries, and medication management during their volunteer week. Typically we have two Camp Medics for each week of the summer.
      • Required to have their current RN, LPN, Paramedics, EMT, or Standard First Aid Certificate. We aim to have atleast one RN, LPN, Paramedic, or EMT paired with a FIrst Aider for the week.
      • Works with the Program Team to make sure the First Aid and Nurse's Area is running smoothly and stress free.
      • The Camp Nurse/Medic will manage the camper medications that are signed in for the week and will administer them at the prescribed times.
      • Will work with their Medic "Partner" to create breaks during the day and alternate on-call evenings.
      • This position is a lot less busy that this list makes it sound. :) Seriously - you will give out more bandaids, stickers, and drinks of water for sore (homesick) tummies than you ever imagined.