What's in a Name?

As we jump into 2022, I wanted to bring you up to speed on where we've come from and where we're going. You may have noticed some language change on our website and donation platforms. The phrase that is missing is "Reaching Higher". This has been a term that has been part of the vision for where Camp Evergreen is in her infrastructure. The term was coined more than a decade ago and has carried us well - helping us focus on what Evergreen could look like in the next 50 years. The phrase was more than a new lodge. It included staff houses, the infrastructure to support the lodge, and the projects that would follow the lodge. I want to assure you that the spirit of Reaching Higher still exists. 

Towards the end of 2021, we decided to move from "Reaching Higher" to "Capital Projects". The reason for this is to create clarity when communicating about ongoing projects. The reality is that there is a lot going on at camp - lots of changes, lots of exciting developments. For instance, did you know that we are planning on building a Pumptrack for our Mountain Biking Program? This is happening alongside our Septic Upgrade and the Lodge. Building for the future is rarely a straight road and we wanted to make sure that our donors are able to see more of the full picture as we work towards it.

Getting our "Poop in a Group"

A little more than two years ago, we were conditionally granted a development permit for the new lodge. The conditions were hefty: license two new water wells and bring our Septic System up to current standards. We got to work on both - and both, it would turn out, would take time. The announcement of the Covid-19 pandemic certainly didn't help...and in a small way, it did help. With Guest Groups on pause in the Spring of 2020, we were able to complete the first of three phases for our Septic System.


  • installed four new septic tanks
  • a grease tank for the new lodge
  • modified a current tank
  • decommissioned old tanks/lines, and
  • directionally drilled/connected our new tanks

It was a ton of work in just less than five weeks and it was such a blessing to have a site free of guests while all of the heavy equipment was around. 

As mentioned, this was only the first of three phases. The whole upgrade will cost $1.4 million, the first phase costing approximately $400,000. We are hoping to move to Phase 2 and/or 3 in 2022. We also expect licensing to be granted on the water wells in the coming months. Once these conditions are met, our development permit for the lodge will be granted.

Next Steps

We are working towards a few goals for 2022:

I worked hard with our Finance Committee to analyze the True Cost of Camp. We wanted to come to a place where we understood and were able to communicate to our Guest Groups, Retreaters, and Summer Campers what the cost of camp was and how much our donors were subsidizing. We have built a structure that now gives Camper Families the ability, where possible, to pay what camp actually costs. Our hope and intent are that as families who are able, pay the true cost of camp, more of our donations can go towards Capital Projects.

  • We are looking for a full-time fundraiser to join our team in 2022. This person will focus on raising funds for our Capital Projects. Stay tuned for when we are hiring
  • Complete either or both Phase 2 and 3 of our Septic System:
    • Phase 2 - Sewage Treatment Plant.
    • Phase 3 - Directional drill underneath the Fallen Timber Creek to a dispersal field in our SW Quarter.
  • Build a Pumptrack for our Bike Program.

We're so excited about what God is doing at Evergreen. We've seen through this pandemic God move in powerful ways. Thank you so much for standing with us and being part of these exciting times!

Courtney (Jogee) - Executive Director