The Next Turn in the Journey

As we learned through Covid-19, there are many things that end up being more of a marathon than a sprint. The Multi-Use Facility project and even our Septic Upgrade are turning out to be marathons. One thing is for sure, we are certainly thankful for volunteer Board Members like Don Quapp.

This year we will be completing our second major push on the Septic Upgrade. To call it an "upgrade" is a bit of an understatement. Let's just say that if we were to compare this upgrade to motorized vehicles it would be like going from a mophead to a Tesla. It's a big jump in the environmental considerations and in the "how" that we deal with our sewage. It's never nice to talk about this kind of thing but as someone who wants to see us be the best stewards of our land and creation that we can be, this upgrade is amazing. 

The upcoming part of the project that is being done towards the end of Summer is to directional drill underneath the creek from where our dispersal fields will be in our "Lower South" field to where the new Treatment Centre will be just south of the parking lot, across from the Maintenance area. The Treatment Centre will be the last part of the upgrade, with construction to commence on that in 2023. Once the treatment plant is installed, we will be treating all of our sewage to a grade that is clean and then dispersing it on designated fields across the creek. This part of the project is by far, the most costly. 

Prayer is going to be a big part of this construction. First that there are no fractures in the bedrock as they drill under the creek. The second is that drilling goes off without a hitch and is easier than expected. The fewer hitches and dense rock the drilling company runs into, the less the project costs. Pray for soft rock!

Our Building Committee Chair, Don Quapp, has been working incredibly hard coordinating the necessary permits, vendors, environmental and drilling firms, and to make sure that all of the moving pieces are pulling in the same direction. Once our application is approved (praying that it happens in the next few weeks), we will begin accepting bids for the project. It is always exciting to see these parts of the Multi-Use Facility project move ahead. Even though they are not the literal bricks of the main facility being laid, they are necessary parts of the journey towards the building.

Thank you for standing with us!

Courtney | Executive Director